Friday, May 25, 2012

Dog Take on Our Emotions

Were you ever crying in a room on one end of the house and were suddenly nudged by your dog’s wet nose underneath your hand, sensing its desire to bring love and comfort to you? You knew your dog was sound asleep on one end of the house, yet all of a sudden, here is your faithful companion reaching out for you…..longing to comfort you and restore peacefulness to your life? 

Stories like this happen more times that you may imagine. Perhaps you’ve realized this has happened to you before; or, maybe, this has happened without you even realizing your animal’s focused efforts to bring solace and comfort into your life. Like emotional sponges, our dogs take on so much of our emotions for us. Being the loving, selfless souls that they are, dogs especially seek to love us 

unconditionally. We can walk in the door at the end of a rough day, yelling and screaming, “GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Dogs back away and give us our space and then five minutes later, they’re right there on the couch, curled up beside us. If there’s been a death or loss in the family (through divorce or military deployment), you may notice that your dog is experiencing grief, much like us humans do. Therapy dogs can walk into Assisted Living Homes and nuzzle their way underneath an elderly, arthritic hand – the hand of a woman who appears to have been forgotten by family/friends and hasn’t spoke a word since being admitted; yet a therapy dog walks into the room and this very same woman’s face lights up, as she utters, “I love you,” to her newfound canine friend. Then there’s children who have been labeled dyslexic and cannot seem to read; however, a canine friend lovingly sits beside them and suddenly the child’s words are more audible and clear.

All animals are loving indeed. Yet, there is something extraordinary about the Spirit of a Dog. When I was afflicted with fibromyalgia for years, my beloved cocker spaniel, Tippy, “suddenly” developed rheumatoid arthritis (which has similar symptoms of fibromyalgia). This was Tippy’s way of lovingly and selflessly taking on “my stuff.” I’ve heard stories where someone in a family household will start to lose their hearing; when suddenly, the family dog is also hard of hearing. What living proof of the enormity of love they have for us. Even in animal shelters, where homeless dogs nervously sit awaiting new homes, dogs can take on the emotions and stress of the staff assigned to their care.

Realizing how loving and selfless our dogs are for us, it’s only right that we make sure we afford them the opportunity to release and clear all they’ve taken on – personally, as well as on our behalf. Whether a Reiki Session for energetic balancing, a Journey™ Process for cellular healing, or an Animal Communication Session to convey messages of the heart, the dogs in our world will greatly benefit. Just as we need outlets to clear our stress and emotions, so do our canine friends.  

As a Spiritual Guardian for Animal Wellness, I am oftentimes cautiously asked, “Why has the passing of my dog stirred up so much more grief and emotion, than the passing of my (mother/father/spouse)?” The answer: As much as our parents/spouses love us, we are all still human; and humans are not capable of being such Unconditional Love. Dogs, however, have mastered it; they apply it to life daily. Plain and simple, they give us something that no human ever can – the gift of Unconditional Love. 

Article By: Caly Lehrer,

Caly Lehrer, Founder of Peace-By-Peace, LLC, is Your Spiritual Guardian for Animal Wellness. Caly began working with animals by sharing, then teaching, Animal Reiki. She then tapped into her gifts as an Animal Communicator and Empathic Intuitive. As she went on to become an Accredited Journey™ Practitioner, she decided to take this work where very few, if any, have gone….into the world of animals and those who care for them. Since then, Caly has studied Pet Loss, Grief/Bereavement, and is presently learning how to locate lost pets. Caly is the former Director of Special Projects for SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association). Caly now volunteers her time with animal shelters/organizations worldwide, helping homeless and abused animals to find their way home.

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