Friday, February 10, 2012

The Spellbound Effect


I am going to admit, I receive most of my thoughts and ideas while in the shower. Today I thought of this concept “The Spellbound Effect”, it goes as such. Do you notice when You are intrigued with some one such as a movie star, author, business owner, friend, etc… some one you look up to, it is cause there is some thing in them that you either wish to possess or detest.

What I mean is, have you noticed we are interested in what goes on in others lives both negative and positive. For example gossip magazines, media, news, etc… what ever is being presented, you are some what interested to know, and you end up over time following some one’s life when ever possible.

Now, why do We Do this? Why Do We Care what is going on in some one’s Life? I Believe it is because they are Resonating some thing You wish to possess or detest. This is Powerful, as it Can Help You Grow either way. Let’s say You Have a Mentor, some one You Can model to Be. They possess Qualities You Desire to Emanate. The Easiest way to get these Qualities is to associate Your Self with some one who Has what You Desire.

This also, works for the latter. If People around You possess lesser Qualities, things You detest, then this will propel You to search for the Qualities You wish to Have! Or You will continue to Be some one You dislike. Now, “Where are You going with this?” You may ask,¬† “We are all drawn to People that Aspire to Be Great!”. I Call this “The Spellbound Effect”!!!

We are Attracted to People who Achieve what they Desire! However, why are We interested in the negative things others Do? Well, that is because there is some thing within Us that detests that, and wishes to make it Better. So, instead of making things Better in Our Self, We continue to read, watch, and listen to the stuff out there that is negative, and will continue to Attract the stuff that You detest. The only way to change what You Do not Like out there, You must change what You are within! When You Do this, I Promise You will Enjoy the Experiences in Your Life!

Now, surround Your Self with Good Thoughts, and Great People! Use “The Spellbound Effect” to Your advantage!


This Article is compliments of Umattr

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Your Cosmic Blueprint

An astrological birth chart is a Divine archetypal cosmic imprint of your soul path’s potentials. It is also a vibrational blueprint of your body and soul consciousness. In practical terms, an astrological birth chart or natal chart is a portrait of the sky from the focal point of where you are at on the Earth at the time of your birth. The exact time that you entered into this realm set-up the potentials of your soul’s path unfolding with the most probable outcomes according to your chosen and agreed upon Divine Plan before coming here to earth. As the planets move through the cosmos, their archetypal influences interact with the vibrational blueprint of your body and soul consciousness creating a unique vibration pattern that resonates within you. Unconsciously you are influenced by this created personal vibrational pattern that is uniquely your own and it does influence your life experiences. And as always, you can consciously respond to any life experience that is presently before you reacting and experiencing as conscious and open that you allow. You have the ability to consciously shift any experience this is the free will choice that God gave you.
There are many Divine influences that are unconsciously influencing every second of your life’s existence. The archetypal astrological influences is just one of them. Your job is to respond wholesomely to life experiences and listen to your guidance, and your life will Divinely unfold for you. Wholesomely means authentically feeling what is there, expressing whatever needs expressing, then owning the result of your expression while further feeling the results of your continued expressions in the environment that you are continually affecting and so on. Divine influences are always occurring and how hard they have to nudge you is based on your listening and experiencing abilities. How Divine influences affect you throughout your life is based on many factors; some could be your conscious free will choices, your conditioning, the energetic holding onto the pains of your life experiences, how much you identify with the body, mind and ego, and on and on with or without reason.
The astrological birth chart signifies the essence of you. It provides a vivid portrait of yourself. It signifies the archetypal foundations of your life and being. Exploring the astrological birth chart can provide insights into your strengths and weaknesses, your behavior patterns, fears and aspirations. All which are good. It does not indicate if you are good or bad, whether you have good moral character or if you will have a lot of successes or failures. It indicates the essence of you and your life potentials.
The usefulness of exploring your astrological birth chart is dependent on how you perceive the essence of you in it. Remember, the use of it is for you to understand you and some of your soul’s purposes. Knowing this, it is important that you be open to hearing all aspects that are potentially you. It is our human tendency to not look at parts of ourselves, and when we explore the birth chart we may quickly deny some of the information as not being a part of ourselves. The information may or may not be a part of you, and maybe it is. However, since we do not like to look at some parts of us, you should note your reactions to the information especially the information you deny. It is advisable to allow yourself to contemplate on any information you deny to see if it is really true for you or not. Whatever you come up with in your contemplation is good and should be allowed to be what it is. Do not project or own anything that truly isn’t yours. Things that you deny quickly that you subsequently own may be key areas to work on for your soul development.
How our life goes is dependent on how we progress on our soul’s sacred journey and how much we learn and accept on that journey. All is good. The astrological birth chart does give us some insights to our lessons. However, knowing your astrological birth chart is not a necessity. God’s creation of the heavenly bodies, their timing and influences help us know our purposes, and God gave us the knowledge to interpret the planets to enhance our journey and the learning of our lessons. You inherently know your soul purposes and you will inherently live some of them when you allow God, and not man, to direct your life. Be open and allow Guidance to interact with your life. All experiences are good.
It is better to live with the realization that your life is uniquely different than everyone elses. And in knowing that, it is up to you to walk your path with your Guidance. What one may be perceived as being right for one may not be right for another, and how one lives their life, may or may not be according to their Divine Plan, and at the same time, maybe it is. God’s influences will present life experiences to attempt to help you to learn what you came here to learn. How they present themselves is just perfect. Our job is to live and experience with love and gratitude as deeply as we can without trying to figure it out.
The living of your life has and will always be about your free will choices. Astrology is not about making them for you or do they claim that the planets determine your life or the outcome of your life. That is up to you, God and your soul. God’s Divine influences through the archetypal planetary aspects are just one influence. The exact experiences of your life is not predestined or planned out. There is a Divine Plan signifying what you want to learn through experiences. How that happens is not predestined. We create and co-create both consciously and unconsciously our lives. Knowing our soul’s purposes can help us to create more on purpose and in line with what is for our highest good.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Courage To Quit

If you have fond memories of 2011, consider yourself lucky. In reflecting on what’s transpired, most think of sky-high unemployment, rampant economic insecurity, and job satisfaction being at an all-time low.
In today’s difficult economy, it’s never been clearer that the only one you can count on in life is you. Lifetime employment has become a laughable oxymoron and being able to keep your job simply because you’re good at what you do is an illusion.
2012 doesn’t have to be a repeat of 2011 and holds meaningful potential if the right steps are taken. To thrive, emulate the 5 Key Steps of the Successful. If you do, 2012 will be an amazing year.
  1. Begin leveraging your WHAT—the one thing you were born to do. The successful understand that there is ONE thing they are compelled to do and pursue this with reckless abandon. Until you identify your WHAT, life will feel out of your control and lack meaning or purpose.
  2. The successful set deep anchors into their soul. They are crystal clear on who they are, why they do what they do and, most importantly, who they were born to be. Those who don’t set deep anchors operate like windsocks—their lives forever shifting based on outside influences. With these anchors, you’re clear on where you’re headed and life’s pity distractions won’t keep you from achieving your goals and objectives.
  3. The successful operate as smooth rocks, not craters. Like water off a duck’s back, if you operate as a smooth rock, the waterfall of life simply continues downstream. If you’re a crater, life puddles. You think about everything, hold on to it, and life is defined by what currently engulfs your mind. As life’s next challenge reaches you, it washes out the old concerns and replaces them with new ones. If your life reflects a smooth rock, you’ll maintain comfort and happiness by refusing to expend energy or additional thought on that which should have long since moved past you.
  4. The successful understand the power of patience. Some of the most recognized people of our time began just like you. Richard Branson began his Virgin empire selling one record at-a-time via mail-order catalog. Mother Teresa brought comfort to one person in need. Sam Zell convinced one landlord to let him manage his apartment building. In today’s instant gratification society, we are programmed to want everything… NOW. This is not realistic. Anything worthwhile takes time. Anyone who tells you differently is full of crap.
  5. Lastly, while it may seem appealing to quit the job you loathe today, the successful let others fund their transition. Having the courage to quit is enough to get you fired up to make an inordinate difference in our world, but doing so without the means to replace your current income is ludicrous. Become clear on where you’re headed, what you want to do, and then enter THE TRANSITION. It’s at this point where you’ll hone your skills, learn what others are doing that is of interest to you, and begin putting your plan of action in place to derive 100% of your income from what you love. Like a recipe mixture, right now your life is comprised of 0 parts living your WHAT and 100 parts not. As soon as you take that first step towards your destiny, your mixture has shifted to 1 part living your WHAT and 99 parts not. As more of your income is derived from what it is that you’re compelled to do, you’ll reach a point in time when you can cut the cord on what you abhor. There are a LOT of hours in the day. Invest them wisely.
To make an inordinate difference in your community and, perhaps, across the globe, a monumental shift is required. The time is now to reinvent your life no matter your age or where you stand in your career path.
2012 is the perfect time to create the life you want and heed your inherent blueprint. Within this blueprint, you’ll discover your WHAT—the one thing you were born to do—and, once revealed, everything else (almost magically) falls into place.
The bottom line is that we are each put on this planet to do ONE amazing thing and it’s our responsibility to cultivate that which we are naturally compelled to do. Your soul wants you to discover your WHAT and by following the 5 Steps of the Successful, you have significantly increased the odds of finding it.
Steve Olsher is “America’s Reinvention Expert.” A successful entrepreneur who has applied his street smarts, business acumen, and communication skills to a wide range of endeavors, he is the co-star of the ground-breaking film, The Keeper of the Keys with Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff, Founder of the Reinvention Workshop, Host of Reinvention Radio, Author of USA Book News’ “Self-Help Book of The Year” Journey To You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Who You Were Born to Be, and an in-demand media guest who has appeared on ABC, FOX TV, and more than 200 radio shows including Lou Dobbs, Jim Bohannon, and Mancow. For a free copy of Steve's book, please visit